• discomatic@lemmy.ca
    2 days ago

    It’s cute that Trump thinks his only obstacle is our military. I’m not a fan of guns, but I’m a reasonably good shot, and I’m more than willing to fight. I can’t be the only one.

    • corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
      2 days ago

      I’m a decent shot from the infantry days but I don’t value most guns. But yeah, they’ve got my number and my oath to the queen on file.

      • discomatic@lemmy.ca
        2 days ago

        I definitely think Trump drastically underestimates the average Canadian citizen, not to mention our military.

  • cygnus@lemmy.ca
    3 days ago

    I really enjoyed this analysis from someone who has the military background to understand the situation, combined with his service in Ukraine. I’ll cite the last section which is especially instructive:

    Political Consequences of War: Insurgency, Mutiny, Civil War

    The consequences of any decision to move to Greenland or Canada are grave for the people of the United States. The political turmoil that would follow would immediately constitute a Constitutional crisis as the Republican party would likely provide cover and surrender its role as a co-equal branch of government that could rein in such a wild idea.

    On a global scale, the United States would become a pariah nation. Only Russia and a few hanger-on states in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa would view this as a positive event. Europe would have to make the terrifying decision of cutting off all trade with the United States. Both Canada and Denmark are NATO nations. Both would have no option but to invoke Article 5, calling for the collective defense of their lands. This would mean that the nation that founded NATO would be at war with the other 31 countries in the alliance.

    Despite America having strategic nuclear weapons and dominant armed forces, the political turmoil would not be limited to the civilian world. Members of the Armed Forces, 43% of whom are minorities, principally people of color, and a few remaining loyal officers and enlisted, would likely view orders to attack our neighbors without aggression as an unlawful order. As many as 60% of the American Armed Forces would refuse to execute any operation to attack Canada. Military units, such as the 10th Mountain Division in Fort Drum, New York, are just a few miles from Ontario. On weekends, they often cross the border to Canada to drink and entertain with their families. An order to take their weapons and kill the Canadian Customs and Border police, city SWAT teams, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and mobilizing Canadian Armed Forces as well as innocent civilians is not an order that any true American soldier would follow.

    Trump would be made aware of this by his highly underqualified Secretary of Defense. Like the Russian invaders of Ukraine, orders would go out under the guise of “training exercises” and end with the seizure of Greenland and Canada. However, the other critical units, such as the 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions, would be needed to take Montreal, Quebec City, Ottowa, Toronto, Edmonton, Regina, and Vancouver. Their mobilization for Greenland operation would provide cover for a blitz on Canada. The operations concept would be to “dare” the Canadians to open fire on them in hopes that the country would just “Lay back and let it happen.” Team Trump’s sycophants somehow seem to believe that the Canadians would surrender quickly and quietly.

    They have never been to a hockey game.

    If this all sounds vaguely familiar, it is because that is the exact plan Vladimir Putin had for his invasion of Ukraine. And like the invasion of Ukraine, the Canadian people would likely rise up as a body and fight to the death. The US may be able to seize a few airports and, over a few weeks, push heavy forces into Canada, but all this would do is send in a protracted paramilitary counterinsurgency. It is one thing to seize terrain and another to hold it. The American public would be confronted with video images of their sons and daughters being picked off one by one at night by Canadian soldiers, reservists, and citizens who volunteered as paramilitary partisans. Imagine Afghanistan, but where the opponents have some of the most advanced surface-to-air missile systems, shooting American helicopters down with impunity or IEDs improvised, explosive devices hidden in Beaver dams or moose carcasses. The very idea that we are forced to discuss this is fantastical and ridiculous. However, the Trump administration appears to be serious.

    Such an extremely disastrous decision as invading Canada would lead to the Second American Civil War. Border states from Michigan to Maine would immediately refuse to comply with all orders from Washington. The National Guard units of these states could not be federalized in the face of what each governor would deem an unlawful order. This would set up clashes with guard units, police, and SWAT teams that may personally see themselves as loyal to Donald Trump. These two competing loyalties, one to Trump and one to the Constitution would exacerbate tensions on such a vast scale that disobeying orders would place the Armed Forces in a state of mutiny.

    Additionally, some loyalist Trump units may take their arms and engage their fellow service members. The chain of events stemming from this is too horrific to fathom. But Team Trump is blathering on and on with a complete and total disregard for the consequences that could destroy the unity and fabric of this nation.

  • ellisk@lemmy.ca
    3 days ago

    It is one thing to seize terrain and another to hold it. The American public would be confronted with video images of their sons and daughters being picked off one by one at night by Canadian soldiers, reservists, and citizens who volunteered as paramilitary partisans.

    100%. Beating Simo Häyhä’s record is a tough challenge, but it gives us a nice goal to aim for.

    • qyron@sopuli.xyz
      3 days ago

      The man was a legend, while only fighting for the right to go back home and live a simple life.

      If the US decide to move, the best tactic to counter them as already been demonstrated and proven: guerrilla warfare.

      Invaded have the home and mindset advantage.

      • dermanus@lemmy.ca
        2 days ago

        Plus, it’s not like it would be hard to take the fight to them. I imagine appetite for an invasion would fade when American infrastructure became a target.

    • muh_shroom@lemmy.ca
      3 days ago

      I’d live stream the American’s loved ones getting fed into the meat grinder

  • wirebeads@lemmy.ca
    3 days ago

    Trump deserves to eat the barrel end of a shotgun. Fuck him and fuck America.

  • Hobbes_Dent@lemmy.world
    3 days ago

    As I watched Kerrey and Klann, tears came to my eyes. I remembered another incident just after the 1968 Tet offensive when I interviewed a young Marine who was about to be court-martialed. One night, he had been so courageous, calling friendly artillery on his own position to beat off a North Vietnamese attack, that his commanding officer was going to nominate him for a Silver Star, the nation’s second-highest medal for heroism. But during the next two days, the corporal led his squad of Marines on a security patrol into a hamlet on the outskirts of Hue, where they encountered a group of farmers in black pajamas, carrying rice. Without an interpreter or any evidence, the Marines mistakenly concluded the peasants were Viet Cong. In two different locations, they tortured, dismembered and summarily executed the unarmed Vietnamese in broad daylight. One farmer had been hanged and, before dying, his throat was slashed and his heart was cut open. Five women were widowed and 26 children were left without fathers.

    I revisited the hamlet 26 years later to find that, while the bitterness had diminished, the memories had not. One widow showed me her husband’s grave in a nearby rice paddy. When I asked about another grave nearby, she explained it was that of her teenage daughter who had been killed by a Marine artillery shell. She turned to me and we held hands. “War is terrible,” she said. “It causes so much heartache.”

    Writing in the young man’s defense, a Marine captain explained that days before the battle in which he acquitted himself so courageously, the accused corporal and his men had discovered the body of their former platoon leader, a lieutenant who had been executed with his hands bound by barbed wire, his penis cut off and stuffed in his mouth. The young soldiers were mortified.


    Just some random article. Felt foreshadowy today.

  • Delvin4519@lemmy.world
    3 days ago

    Holy sheesh. Should I take this at face value? Seems plausible.

    The thing about implementing tariffs for a day then turning it off again after 24 hours to “test whether cheetoland’s or the Canada’s ecnomy crashes or not” seems too good to be true. The thing about destabilizing Canada with (social) media campaigns, then I remember the fact that I’ve already seen dozens of posts of “American media pretending to be Canadian” right here on Lemmy.

    This article literally screams “get out ASAP” to me like it’s ringing alarm bells. I’ve never felt so scared or paranoid. Is this the thing that convinces me that I gotta leave my hellscape I’m in and emigrate elsewhere?

    • WorkshopBubby@lemmy.ca
      2 days ago

      On jan 20th when trump gave his inauguration speech and it was clear he was a demented psycho fuck and north america was definitely not safe I started looking into places to go. I recommend checking out the Australian working visa that is available to Canadians. I think right now I am more inclined to stay, because I want to kill Nazis more then I want to live in peace somewhere.

      • Delvin4519@lemmy.world
        2 days ago

        Unfortunately I’m on the wrong side of the border, so I’m more screwed in a way, but means the incentive to get out is much higher.