… It’s happening right now bro. You’re alive right now, and we’re having extreme weather events right now.
Climate change isn’t a point in which either before that point nothing happens and after that point something bad happens, instead as we continue with bad practices, things get continually worse.
We’re having extreme heat, right now. Places with longer hurricane seasons, or where hurricanes are now way worse, etc. And things can still worsen.
What you seem to be saying is that, you don’t care about your future and minimizing future issues, but also don’t care about any family or friends that you have. Society has done so much, that here you are born, with Internet access to a federated app, electricity, many of life’s privileges compared to our ancestors, people now and in the future would appreciate what help you can provide now.
you are born, with Internet access to a federated app, electricity, many of life’s privileges compared to our ancestors.
Those were knowledge, most of things were born because our ancestors needed them for own benefit. Here with climate change. First of all, My small country doesn’t make a difference, I don’t have a car, I don’t spend more than 400 kw monthly. If you really want to make a change, stop having kids. Less carbon print to ZERO carbon print, but a lot aren’t willing to do it. I am not willing to do anything that involves changing my ways of life.
Genuine question: why do you care about climate change if you would be dead by then?
Empathy, or caring about how other people are affected, even if it doesn’t affect you personally. Empathy is normal and healthy.
Better question is, why are 60+yo Capitalists who already have more wealth than they could possibly spend before they die, so desperate to hold and collect even more wealth?
But most of this people doesn’t even exist in the present. I mean, isn’t better that stop having kids, you can kill 2 birds this way: Reduce footprint to ZERO, avoid future generations suffering of global warming.
Whatever quality of life you have enjoyed beyond living naked in a cave eating bugs and berries you owe to the people who came before you. Not just your ancestors, but the people who invented tools and discovered natural laws and organized societies and legal systems, the people who built the cities with their sewage systems and hospitals and electricity, the people who developed fertilizers and antibiotics and undergarnments that don’t itch like a thousand angry fleas are having a rave in your crotch. And now, after enjoying the fruits of 10,000 years of civilization, you decide that you’re the be-all and end-all of people and everybody who comes after you can go fuck themselves? Bad person. Plain and simple.
To be honest I’m in all to human extinction, actually I’m all for all life extinction. Life is based in predatory model mostly with exception of some plants and bacteria.
Life can be wonderful and precious. If your life in particular happens to be “shit, crap and nothing”, are you really so self-centered that you think everyone’s life is just like yours and we’re all only pretending it isn’t?
Life is what you make of it. There are happy people in slums living under awful conditions, and then there are people like Elon Musk, the richest man in the world and obviously miserable. Anybody can be happy and enjoy life with a simple shift of perspective, and work to improve whatever bothers them.
If your life sucks so much that you’d rather all life become extinct, have you considered the possibility that you might have unipolar or bipolar depression? This is not at all a normal way of seeing things, and medication might help you immensely. And if that is the case, then I take back what I said about you being a bad person. Mental illness takes a large toll on our worldview and often renders us incapable of expending the energy to care about anyone other than ourselves. We behave and think just like a bad persom, but it’s not actually our fault. We just aren’t capable of being any different. I’ve been there. Thankfully I’m not there anymore.
Or maybe you are the one that is coping. Maybe you are trying to avoid with distractions what live truly is. Life isn’t what you make it. Tell that to a disabled person, a cancer kid, etc. if you trully weigh what life is about you gonna realize it. But I do not recommend and prefer to keep being the bad actor in the movie.
That is the definition of unbridled selfishness, bordering on sociopathy.
If this is truly what you think and drives how you behave then you are a leech on everyone else that will follow in your footsteps.
I won’t have children either, but I still want the world to be better for them, and I do the best within my means to make that happen.
People like you, when they’re competent, are the ones that rise to the top of the corporate ladder and own businesses that expound the worst parts of capitalistic society. Greed, selfishness, disdain for the plight of others, no thought for consequences as long as they don’t affect you personally.
So, don’t care if you don’t want to. But internalize that you’re a POS if that’s actually how you feel.
I think if you’re under 50 years old, you’ll probably be impacted by the effects of climate change for a majority of your life at this point. The change won’t be an instant thing like in The Day After Tomorrow after you’re long dead, it’s happening now when you’re alive.
The basis of classical libertarianism is the non-aggression principal, which basically means “don’t harm others.” Seems like that would include causing harm after you die. But modern libertarianism seems to have a very strange interpretation of that principal…
Genuine question: why do you care about climate change if you would be dead by then?
… It’s happening right now bro. You’re alive right now, and we’re having extreme weather events right now.
Climate change isn’t a point in which either before that point nothing happens and after that point something bad happens, instead as we continue with bad practices, things get continually worse.
We’re having extreme heat, right now. Places with longer hurricane seasons, or where hurricanes are now way worse, etc. And things can still worsen.
What you seem to be saying is that, you don’t care about your future and minimizing future issues, but also don’t care about any family or friends that you have. Society has done so much, that here you are born, with Internet access to a federated app, electricity, many of life’s privileges compared to our ancestors, people now and in the future would appreciate what help you can provide now.
you are born, with Internet access to a federated app, electricity, many of life’s privileges compared to our ancestors. Those were knowledge, most of things were born because our ancestors needed them for own benefit. Here with climate change. First of all, My small country doesn’t make a difference, I don’t have a car, I don’t spend more than 400 kw monthly. If you really want to make a change, stop having kids. Less carbon print to ZERO carbon print, but a lot aren’t willing to do it. I am not willing to do anything that involves changing my ways of life.
Empathy, or caring about how other people are affected, even if it doesn’t affect you personally. Empathy is normal and healthy.
Better question is, why are 60+yo Capitalists who already have more wealth than they could possibly spend before they die, so desperate to hold and collect even more wealth?
But most of this people doesn’t even exist in the present. I mean, isn’t better that stop having kids, you can kill 2 birds this way: Reduce footprint to ZERO, avoid future generations suffering of global warming.
So you don’t feel bad for future humans because they’re assholes for existing?
I can’t feel empathy for people that doesn’t exist. Simple as that.
Damn. You’re a cold motherfucker.
How about a 1yo baby that will suffer the effects of climate change their whole life, can you feel empathy for a 1yo baby?
I feel more anger about the parents that brings that child to suffer to this world.
Okay so you’re too hateful towards complete strangers to have empathy for a 1yo baby.
Yes, it’s an imaginary human being. We can avoid his her birth still.
“Why should I care about other people?” is a question that comes up a lot, and I am deeply suspicious of people who don’t care about others.
But we are talking about future here, some of that people doesn’t even exist
Because “A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit” - Greek proverb
If we don’t cover the things that our children (or nieces/nephews) will benefit from, no one else will. There are no adults in the room. It’s just us.
What children? I will not have nieces nor nephews because I do not have first grade brothers or sisters. I mean sorry but I don’t care.
Then you’re a bad person. It’s quite simple.
Whatever quality of life you have enjoyed beyond living naked in a cave eating bugs and berries you owe to the people who came before you. Not just your ancestors, but the people who invented tools and discovered natural laws and organized societies and legal systems, the people who built the cities with their sewage systems and hospitals and electricity, the people who developed fertilizers and antibiotics and undergarnments that don’t itch like a thousand angry fleas are having a rave in your crotch. And now, after enjoying the fruits of 10,000 years of civilization, you decide that you’re the be-all and end-all of people and everybody who comes after you can go fuck themselves? Bad person. Plain and simple.
To be honest I’m in all to human extinction, actually I’m all for all life extinction. Life is based in predatory model mostly with exception of some plants and bacteria.
You have a very limited view of what life is. I pity you deeply.
And what is life? 70 years is shit is crap is nothing.
Life can be wonderful and precious. If your life in particular happens to be “shit, crap and nothing”, are you really so self-centered that you think everyone’s life is just like yours and we’re all only pretending it isn’t?
Life is what you make of it. There are happy people in slums living under awful conditions, and then there are people like Elon Musk, the richest man in the world and obviously miserable. Anybody can be happy and enjoy life with a simple shift of perspective, and work to improve whatever bothers them.
If your life sucks so much that you’d rather all life become extinct, have you considered the possibility that you might have unipolar or bipolar depression? This is not at all a normal way of seeing things, and medication might help you immensely. And if that is the case, then I take back what I said about you being a bad person. Mental illness takes a large toll on our worldview and often renders us incapable of expending the energy to care about anyone other than ourselves. We behave and think just like a bad persom, but it’s not actually our fault. We just aren’t capable of being any different. I’ve been there. Thankfully I’m not there anymore.
Or maybe you are the one that is coping. Maybe you are trying to avoid with distractions what live truly is. Life isn’t what you make it. Tell that to a disabled person, a cancer kid, etc. if you trully weigh what life is about you gonna realize it. But I do not recommend and prefer to keep being the bad actor in the movie.
That is the definition of unbridled selfishness, bordering on sociopathy.
If this is truly what you think and drives how you behave then you are a leech on everyone else that will follow in your footsteps.
I won’t have children either, but I still want the world to be better for them, and I do the best within my means to make that happen.
People like you, when they’re competent, are the ones that rise to the top of the corporate ladder and own businesses that expound the worst parts of capitalistic society. Greed, selfishness, disdain for the plight of others, no thought for consequences as long as they don’t affect you personally.
So, don’t care if you don’t want to. But internalize that you’re a POS if that’s actually how you feel.
Still I can’t feel that because first those future people doesn’t exist and second I prefer that future people don’t exist
So yeah, sociopath. Shrug
Sociopath for not being able to feel empathy to inexistent people? Wow …
pissing in your water supply rn cuz i dont care
We were talking about global warming here
Yeah, which could also affect me. But pissing in your water supply doesnt affect me, why should i care :)
Well if you do on 30 years you are free to do so. I won’t be here anyway…
…do you not care?
Not really, I would be dead by then, no family. I mean if I have to make a great change in my life because of climate change, forget about it.
I’ll give you a point for honesty, but to also be honest, I think you’re a selfish arsehole.
So? Doesn’t matter I’ll be dead.
I think if you’re under 50 years old, you’ll probably be impacted by the effects of climate change for a majority of your life at this point. The change won’t be an instant thing like in The Day After Tomorrow after you’re long dead, it’s happening now when you’re alive.
You are so optimistic you think I will be living more than 30 years since now lol. Bad lifestyle.
Well, aren’t you just a ray of sunshine? Bless your heart.
I’m sorry to see downvotes on a genuine question. From a libertarian point of view, the question is very valid.
The basis of classical libertarianism is the non-aggression principal, which basically means “don’t harm others.” Seems like that would include causing harm after you die. But modern libertarianism seems to have a very strange interpretation of that principal…