I just was personally expecting an example which is even worse.
What is ‘even worse’ than bigotry? You asked me to show you an example of him saying something horrible. You clearly don’t think saying “this is true” about the claim that Jews oppress white people isn’t horrible enough to be called horrible for some reason.
I still don’t know the context
The context was that there was an antisemitic tweet and Elon said ‘this is true.’ I’m not sure what more context you need.
I highly doubt he is actually an anti-semite
He said ‘this is true’ in response to an antisemitic tweet. Guess what that makes him?
In my book, horrible would be something like physically killing or beating people or calling for genocide or something idk.
I will do some more research on the tweet and context in question before I respond.
Let’s say it didn’t say ‘Jewish.’ Let’s say it said: ‘black communities have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them’ and Elon said ‘this is true.’ Would you say that he wasn’t being racist?
You shouldn’t have to research that. The answer should be obvious.
But there absolutely are communities of every religion, ethnicity or race that do this. Not all, but there are some in every group. How is that racist? It’s just a factual statement.
Nope, still not playing the ‘it’s not racism or antisemitism’ game. Sorry, your hero is a bigot.
And remember when you said you weren’t going to comment again until you had researched it? Remember how you said it twice? Remember how you started responding again almost immediately?
What is ‘even worse’ than bigotry? You asked me to show you an example of him saying something horrible. You clearly don’t think saying “this is true” about the claim that Jews oppress white people isn’t horrible enough to be called horrible for some reason.
The context was that there was an antisemitic tweet and Elon said ‘this is true.’ I’m not sure what more context you need.
He said ‘this is true’ in response to an antisemitic tweet. Guess what that makes him?
In my book, horrible would be something like physically killing or beating people or calling for genocide or something idk. I will do some more research on the tweet and context in question before I respond.
Let’s say it didn’t say ‘Jewish.’ Let’s say it said: ‘black communities have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them’ and Elon said ‘this is true.’ Would you say that he wasn’t being racist?
You shouldn’t have to research that. The answer should be obvious.
But there absolutely are communities of every religion, ethnicity or race that do this. Not all, but there are some in every group. How is that racist? It’s just a factual statement.
Again, nice try.
Excuse me? So you’re saying all and each race and religion and ethnicity is perfect and doesn’t have communities who are racist etc.?
Not going to play your game.
My game? Ok. If you think it’s a game. It’s a FACT.
Nope, still not playing the ‘it’s not racism or antisemitism’ game. Sorry, your hero is a bigot.
And remember when you said you weren’t going to comment again until you had researched it? Remember how you said it twice? Remember how you started responding again almost immediately?
Those were silly lies, weren’t they?