The picture that made you click on this post was captured 2 weeks ago. 165lbs 5’8. I’m no longer obese, I haven’t been for months now, but I’m still stared up and down from other strangers who are trying ascertain whether I pose a threat or not.

I’m walking forward and not acknowledging you and yet you’re fiddling around with ur pockets or moving away from me. I could share more but people have a tendency to question what really happened in x experience, derailing the discussion entirely. I’m stuck in Vancouver for the foreseeable future and I’d appreciate it if you just answered the question.

I’m not interested in empty platitudes or comments unrelated to the topic at hand. “What can I change about my face to make the average vancouverite less scared of me”. That’s it. I’m not expecting anyone here to be an expert on anthropology but this is an (mostly, IDK ur OSINT but me personally idc anymore) anonymous forum. Say that I look tired and I’ll look for surgeons who can handle complex eyelid surgeries. Id appreciate candidness. Random assortment of photos I found within the last year. I can’t be half assed to remove identifying information anymore.

    8 months ago

    People who are upset with you for being “intimidating” are also secretly upset with you for being black.

    Your fine the way you are, dude. You didn’t want to be near those people anyways.

    Actual suggestion: Grow a full beard and smile like in pic #3. Now you’re that laidback guy who maybe plays Jazz.

    8 months ago

    Wear light coloured button up shirts and blazers on top, light colored trousers or faded jeans down below. Sweaters with the button ups is double plus good. Throw in a tie and you’ll make racist old ladies swoon. If you look like a fashionable working nerd people will respond better. Carrying a travel mug is very disarming for racist old ladies. You aren’t about to rob someone while sipping earl grey. Wearing dark colours or athletic clothes or trendy, youthful stuff and people will make their shitty assumptions.

    Unless you do the full Michael Jackson, a nose job won’t work. Racists gonna race. You have a naturally kind, handsome face for people who can see more than your skin pigments. Rhinoplasty would make you look weird to people who already aren’t intimidated by you but do nothing to make you less intimidating to the crowd who makes you feel shitty for existing. I come from a deeply religious, conservative, racist, white family. I have insight into the minds of these shitty people. Spend that money on therapy and a vacation.

      8 months ago

      I was gonna comment on headwear but this comment is full on accurate. My two cents is to skip the skullcap/beanie/toque and wear like a newsboy or driver’s cap with those collapsible ear covers that go around the back of the head on cold days. Racists won’t know what to do with that.

      Nothing you do regarding plastic surgery will change people that are stupid. You’re a good looking young man, but some people are dumb. Part of this is your own perspective though. Learn to love yourself as you are and not only will you not be as affected by other’s reactions to you, but you’ll be less inclined to notice them at all (this isn’t a platitude, but a fact hard learned by an old man)

    8 months ago

    You look great I dont see an issue, not to use some worn out trope but smile more, practice if you need to.

    8 months ago

    Short of wearing a white fleece with bright pink hearts on it, nothing.

    Because your face isn’t threatening.

    The people being threatened by you, are being threatened by their racism, and that’s not your fault.

    Keep living your best life, and keep proving them wrong. They’ll figure it out eventually, one by one.

    8 months ago

    I need to wear glasses, and when I switched from square frames to round frames I swear people were less scared of me. Nobody wears glasses to a fight so you look less intimidating, and larger, rounder frames make your face look softer.

    Wear slightly fancier clothes, I’m not saying wear a suit but buy some cheap button-down shirts, maybe tuck it in.

    You seem focused on your face especially. Learn how to do makeup. I believe a little eyeliner can make you seem kinder. (I don’t use makeup myself, so you’ll have to find someone else to teach you / verify this.) Done properly, nobody will notice the makeup.

    Voice and gait training might also help. I have a theatre background and I know that there are ways to look more intimidating without actually changing your appearance, so you could probably train yourself to do the opposite of that.

    Temporary but very effective fix, look at your phone. I’m a big guy myself, and if I’m waiting for a bus in the middle of the night and there’s someone else there who seems nervous, I’ll just read (or pretend to read) something on my phone. Instantly reduces your threat profile to nothing.

      8 months ago

      Ha! I switched to perfectly round glasses for completely unrelated reasons and certain demographics who tended to be threatened by my complexion almost stopped entirely. That was a funny quirk of a minor style change.

      But also I’m not a big dude. I just happen to fit a description.

    8 months ago

    Let me just say, dude, that you are not alone. There are a lot of people who feel this struggle and there is no simple answer to this problem. Because it is societal. You probably already know this but I want to start off with that.

    I can see every little thing you think is threatening to others and it’s all there. You’re black. You’re a man. You’re a black man. You have strong features. You wear clothes. And you exist.

    That shouldn’t be your problem, but more than a century of propaganda has made it so. Me and everyone else has been conditioned to fear you.

    With all that said, I can echo some other comments. Take the advice on fashionable clothing. Aside from the other positives, it feels good to look good. You’ve saved up for surgery, spend it on that instead. Find a fashionable friend and get advice. There are multiple ways to achieve it without feeling untrue to yourself.

    Learn to smile as your opener. To others and to yourself.

    Most importantly, spend that money you saved on therapy. It isn’t there to fix you. It’s there to help give you the tools to cope with the reality of things. It isn’t bullshit. No amount of aesthetic adjustments will fix what’s going on in your head and your heart.

    Candidly, you seem like you’re not in a good fucking way. Get help. Peace.

    8 months ago

    Probably not your face structure, etc, but your facial expressions while you are walking around strangers. Your photos seem fine to me but we can’t see if you have whatever the male equivalent of RBF is called.

    My friend one time had a comment that everyone who knows him knows he is the goofiest guy around, but before they knew him they just thought he walked around looking like he wanted to punch somebody.

    8 months ago

    I friend, you have an incredibly sweet face <3 It actually makes me upset that society has subjected you to think the way you wrote towards yourself.

    You want me to be straight forward, this is it - This behavior towards yourself is certainly not healthy. You’re fine and you deserve to be comfortable with that fact.

    You wanna know what will make you less threatening? Put one of those rainbow spinny caps on your head. Will you never look cool? Maybe. Will you look threatening? No.

    8 months ago

    You don’t look intimidating at all. You look chill. You’re lucky that you don’t have a perma-scowl and RBF like I do. I guess maybe just smile at people who look at you.

    8 months ago

    To put it bluntly, it sounds like you’re a victim of the ol’ racism, possibly aggravated by the fact that you’re a man. Your face looks very friendly to me in these pictures (maybe not the second to last, but you don’t look threatening either there, I get more of a “please don’t bother me” vibe from it)

    8 months ago

    Handsome guy, you’d look sharp and safe in a carefully fitted button down.

    Even better, people will respond to you being comfortable with yourself. There’s a lot of subconscious communication that goes on without words. If you’re relaxed and comfortable people will respond to that.