I think we’re far from it for now. China still depends on ASML (West) and is nowhere near learning to do EUV for chipmaking.

  • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
    16 days ago

    I think we’re already there. Multipolarity doesn’t necessarily mean total cutoff from all dependencies (after all, the US is dependent on China in a lot more ways than vice versa), or that the US empire is completely defeated yet. It just means that they are no longer the only game in town, it means that countries have alternatives and the West is no longer able to completely dominate them and tell them what to do. It means that they have lost their monopoly on technological advancement, on financial systems, on use of military force, their undisputed control over the global narrative, etc. In short, they are no longer global hegemons now that alternative centers of power have now emerged.

    • Hello_Kitty_enjoyer [none/use name]@hexbear.net
      16 days ago

      The larger point is true, the world is basically becoming multipolar. But you still live in a different world from reality:

      or in 2016 when it became suddenly clear that much of America and parts of Europe were no longer buying the liberal establishment’s bullshit

      they only cared about non-whites/immigration, idk why you bring this up

      or was it in 2020 with Covid which exposed western governments as morally bankrupt and woefully incompetent compared to China’s?

      exact opposite, the cattle perceive this as western governments being morally bankrupt by BECOMING LIKE (their idea of) China. The fact that there was a mandate to wear a paper-thin mask is CCP oppression to them. They also think that 20 gorrillion Chinese people died and that it’s a Chinese bioweapon (in reality it’s the opposite)

      • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
        16 days ago

        Everything you say is correct. I’m just looking at this from a more global perspective.

        I don’t think it’s all that relevant how the people in the imperial core viewed those events but all across the global south 2016 and 2020 were undoubtedly perceived as major indicators of the decline/dysfunction of western “liberal democracies”.

        I do think much of their illusion or their myth or whatever you want to call it was shattered then. They were mask-off moments. But as i said, i don’t necessarily view those as true inflection points, rather just as further data points indicating a world in transition.

    • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
      16 days ago

      The process of multipolarity starts at the peak of american hegemony, it starts at the dismantlement of the Soviet union, which was the quantitative leap to american hegemony, its only downhill from there. Its like Hegel said, life itself bears the germ of death. American hegemony itself bears the germ of multipolarity.

      The small quantitative gains since then have lead to the qualitative changes we are all witnessing now, the question is which will be the big qualitative leap that marks the end of american hegemony and the start of multipolarity, and even more interesting, what comes after multipolarity?

      • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
        16 days ago

        I think you’re exactly right, this is the proper dialectical way of viewing things, as a process.

        the question is which will be the big qualitative leap

        I would argue that February 2022 was that qualitative leap. But maybe i’m too optimistic, idk.

        • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
          16 days ago

          “The owl of Minerva begins to flight only at night”, we will only know for sure when looking in retrospective lol