I’ve been on the fence for a few days about posting this one because i think it doesn’t really have that much interesting new information and the analysis is perhaps a bit overly optimistic in places.

In particular i don’t think much if anything will change with the coming wave of right wing “populists” in Europe (all diehard Zionists same as the current “establishment” ruling elite of the EU, and all of them opportunists who are more than willing to bend the knee to NATO and hop on board the anti-Russia bandwagon if and when it benefits them), or regardless which side of the uniparty wins the US elections.

But there are some good bits in here that i do think are spot on such as what to make of the media’s reaction to the otherwise utterly irrelevant presidential debate clown show. As well i think it does a good job of pointing out how more and more evidence is accumulating that the situation in and around the Ukraine conflict is just getting worse and worse for NATO.

I know it’s just “more of the same” of what we’ve been seeing and hearing already but i like to think of it as getting more data points that increase confidence in the accuracy of the plotted trajectory. Overall i feel like it has been a bit of a slower news week but maybe that was just me being too busy to keep up with everything going on.