Lol, can we do Big Oil next?
Is this endeavour legitimate? Because it seems more symbolic to me, like it’s a lot of money but even getting a chunk would send a message. Maybe I am over thinking it.
Anyone knows to what extent YouTube is used in Russia? China did the right thing and made their own YouTube clone. I’m not sure if Russia has something like that.
YouTube was the main platform for videos, but now Rutube is gaining popularity - many people moved here and started using it on daily basis since YouTube ban. Some libs are still mad and plan to use YouTube “no matter what”, but they are the minority.
Other clones are Platforma and VK video, but they aren’t so popular.
While I prefer YouTube more, RuTube is maybe a good way to learn russian. Has anyone experience with that? Like, can I watch channels for children (ideal for learning a language) even if I not in Russia or is there something like geoblock?
Google Hong Kong? will Hong Kong courts play ball?
Hell yah