You don’t say…
Aha, this must be the “cabal” that these weird MAGA people are always rambling on about.
Why do these people all look so awkward? Is this the expression you have on your face when you take a picture with a friend? Weird.
People like them don’t have friends. They have associates.
There sociopaths, maybe even psychopaths. Other people are always just tools to reach their goals, to be discarded when they are not useful anymore. Their lifes are videogames in which they are the heroes and everybody else are NPCs.
They’re* lives* video games*
Honest question - is that second Diddy pic real? The lighting looks really strange to me for some reason. Not like AI, more semi decent at best photoshop
It’s a weird low angle shot. US open supposedly. He’s actually in Diddy’s shadow and since there’s no depth of field reference since the camera is looking up the lighting looks very strange.
Another from the same event
Ah, appreciate it! Love a cool depth of field and lighting effect making things look fake effect, but not when its something actually important!
Hard to unsee it though, even in the second picture he looks totally photoshopped, they don’t even look like they’re from the same era.
Yeah, Trump looks like he’s from a polaroid and Diddy seems like a digital camera. It’s definitely some weird lighting conditions
Makes sense, maybe he knows exactly what someone like himself is hiding!
And why isn’t every single response to that pictures of Epstein with Trump (who himself stands accused of abusing a woman in front of and ostensibly “for” Epstein)?
Not only that, but Trump was found by a jury to have raped E Jean Carrol. Reminder: we already know Trump is a rapist.
Come now, that wasn’t rape, because New York doesn’t consider “forcibly inserting your fingers into someone’s vagina against their will” as “rape.”
And he was only found civilly liable, not convicted of a crime, because of statute of limitations. Not even civilly liable of sexual assault, but civilly liable of defamation, because he called her a liar multiple times when she reported the sexual assault incident.
That’s not so bad, now, is it?
I know you’re being cute, but for those who don’t know the whole story: after the jury found him civilly liable, the judge made a point of publicly clarifying that yes, he was found to have raped Carroll.
B-b-but “common modern parlance” isn’t the law in the state of New York! TOTALLY EXONERATED!!!
(I have to stop now lest I vomit.)
lol ain’t the justice system grand?
I love the 1 downvote by a butthurt rapist supporter
And even if he had been found guilty of a crime, then it would just have been a rigged trial. Innocence thus proven. Checkmate, laws.
That was certainly my response above. Along with pictures of Trump and Diddy. Because I’m waiting for Elon’s tweet criticizing him. Think I’ll wait long?
Only until Trump is no longer the GOP’s darling. As soon as his grip on the Republican party’s balls is no longer all-encompassing, it’ll turn out that nobody ever really liked him or knew him at all and they actually were never really with him to begin with. Donald who again?
This fucking dork snorts so much cocaine he forgets he’s in reality and isn’t hidden behind one of his sock puppets.
DorkMAGA is one of the most pathetic people in America. Looking forward to sending him back to South Africa.
And who said the art of headline writing was lost?
The pot calling the kettle black
What a piece of garbage
There was a garbage article floating around that allegedly, Diddy has kept videos of all his parties and has dirt on a lot of rich and powerful people.
This is probably bullshit but one man can dream. That would be like fullfilling a kink.