We reached 5.1% market share!
We need to grow that 0.5%!
Remember kids, when you watch porn on Windows, Bill watches with you.
I’m counting on it.
A better, more factual, reminder is that if you’re not using a VPN, your ISP is recording all of that, and potentially selling that information.
This is not fear mongering, like the comment I’m replying to. It’s very real.
They can see what website you go to, and how much data you exchange with it, but not what specific page on that site you’re looking at or what specific data you send (for example my ISP can’t tell that I’m making this specific comment).
Provided the site is using SSL of course.
The year of the Linux desktop!
My operating system:
My pecker:
Let’s see porn categories breakdown by os…
Hypothesis: Pornhub is effected by a lot of the bans in places like Texas. I don’t see ChromeOS or Apple users as the kind of folks who know how to find their ways around those bans, but Windows and Linux users are more likely to via VPNs and such.
The steam deck does seem like a good device for “bedtime” browsing.
More seriously, this data is probably less biased toward tech literate users than most similar surveys that get published here. This is really encouraging
Proves linux users are sexual deviants
Pornhub is pretty vanilla
not even that, a lot of stuff on there is effectively just reality TV and just makes me die inside when i see the thumbnails