I have been wondering recently what European services I should be checking out :)
This might be useful: https://european-alternatives.eu/
Thanks, I just bookmarked the page!
I posted it to the front so it can be seen easily
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Nextcloud is German, I think.
The first I can think of (because I’m using them):
- Filen (E2E) encrypted cloud from Germany. Replaced my other cloud services for a few months now.
- Codeberg, for git stuff. I’m no dev (I just use it for my own little scripts) so I could not tell how feature-rich it is or if it lacks anything it is but so far it seems to be working great ;)
- Mullvad VPN, Swedish if I’m not mistaken.
- Should I also mention LibreOffice? It’s not a European product, but its ‘foundation’ is German-based if I recall correctly.
- Hetzner a German company for cloud, webhosting and some other stuff I can’t even begin to understand ;)
That said, I mostly focus on software being Free/Libre. Maybe in the coming years, with the rise shit nationalistic politics that we’re witnessing, I will have to focus on EU-made products and services only—that would be sad.
Hetzner a German company for cloud, webhosting and some other stuff I can’t even begin to understand ;)
They’re the power behind a lot of the Fediverse - long may they continue.
+1 to this.
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Controversial take, Spotify
OpenBSD Amsterdam
My friend uses zoner.cz for editing photos. The license is like 50€ and at least for us (we use it for editing photos for children group) they don’t care about password sharing.
Affinity Photo used to be a European product, but the developer was recently bought by Canva, a multi national software company based in Australia.
You can however still buy a perpetual license for a one time fee.
LibreOffice, Odoo, Mastodon, Nextcloud and more. Lots of Linux distros and desktops are based in Europe.
There is a lot of FOSS done in Europe and EU is very proactive with it. CERN is really helping open hardware and KiCAD.
Proton, Tutanota, Disroot & Codeberg
platform.io is Ukrainian so is Grammarly and GitLab and Reface and Restream
Proton is probably my most used euroware.
Kolabnow for mail! Based in Switzerland, focused on privacy.