This should be obvious, but poor people are just too stupid to figure out even the simplest things.
/sThey are just lazy and eat too much avocado toast. It’s obvious.
Wait, therapists let you drink wine in session?
How am I just finding out about this now??!?!?
You pay enough to the right therapist you could probably snort cocaine out of their asshole. Student loans are no joke.
I’ve finally actually snorted cocaine out of my partner’s asshole and it was exactly as fantastic as I thought it would be
I’m just waking up. My brain isn’t fully on yet. I read that as
I’ve finally actually snorted cocaine out of my parents assholes
I was ready yo conclude you’re from Alabama, but was confused by how someone from Alabama could afford cocaine.
Well they never said their partner isn’t their parent so this could still work
I’ve been told tonight that I should not try cocaine. It is totally underwhelming and only brings addiction. If I want to dabble in drugs, I should try psychedelics. XTC at a music festival is fine too.
I’m not directly experienced, just throwing that out at the start.
There are things more addictive than cocaine, like heroin. NEVER, ABSOLUTELY NEVER do heroin.
But if you do end up being a coke-fiend, that does suck. And it seems the individual often has very little control of their ability to get addicted or not.
I’d never touch it. At least not before 80. I don’t think it’s worth the risk.
But I also don’t think it’s beneficial to lie and exaggerate in order to promote drug-phobia.
I had a friend who was addicted to coke for a very short time. Another friend, found his stash, flushed it, and threatened him with life-changing consequences. He quit, and has been successful since.
More recently, I went to a bar with a person I knew from the Internet. When he went to the bathroom, another patron told me, “after the third coke joke it’s not a joke”.
There’s also the more modern danger. If you think you’re doing cocaine and it’s actually half cocaine, half fentanyl (much cheaper), then you’re probably dead. Maybe they didn’t intend to cut it half and half. Maybe they just didn’t stir well.
One of the best things about the Anarchists Cookbook:
“You want to smoke pot? Here’s how you get and smoke pot. You want to drop acid? Here’s how to get and drop acid. You want to snort coke? Here’s how you get and snort coke. You want do do heroin? You have to be fucking NUTS to want to do heroin, no, we aren’t telling you that.”
I will only do XTC at home with my partner at this point in my life. If we’re not just disgusting intertwined naked sweaty piles of hedonism, writing in bed, I don’t wanna do it.
Cocaine is fine, it can be fun but you need to get GOOD coke (very rare most places) and also be doing something else fun while on it. I might just be lucky but I do not get fiendy for coke, and when it’s not around I don’t think about it. I’ll usually go through .4g on a heavy night, between me and my partner.
I loves psychedelics when I was younger, but nowadays I just like pure feel-good chems personally. I’ll do LSD or DMT or MDA occasionally.
To be fair, that friend I talked to came from the hard-core sales bros community, which is kinda known for its unhealthy cocaine culture.
Now that I can definitely understand. With my partner and I, it’s a very occasional treat. I mean, when we buy a ball, we’re doing it every night until it’s gone. But only in the evenings, and we don’t do very much of it every day. Then once it’s gone, we’re good for a good portion of the year.
…I should pick some up soon, it’s been a while. We’ve also been abstaining due to the cross tolerable with MDMA, which is in the plans for… now-ish.
Go on…
Just absolutely gakked and I’m like “yo can I do a line off yer aiiise” and they’re like “lol okay”
We both have very clean bums thanks to bidet, so it wasn’t a poopy expected, just kinda smells like their musk a lil
But I eat from there, so why not try blow as well?
Sounds like you’re living your best life I’m happy for you fam
Thank you. I’d like to hope I am.
Yeah, it’s kinda shitty.
Luckily since we have a bidet, no poo involved!
Only if you’re rich enough
Also bottom left is Irish coffee. This comic is actually about stress-induced alcoholism. 🥂
Off to get my end-of-workday whisky!
People ask me what I would do if money wasn’t an issue/I had infinite money and I would do the exact same thing I do when unemployed except that I wouldn’t be stressing over money and I wouldn’t be filling out job applications every day.
Not having a job is more stressful than having one, because at least when you have a job you don’t get stressed feeling like a useless piece of shit.
when you have a job you don’t get stressed feeling like a useless piece of shit.
I don’t feel that way, I only worry about not being able to afford rent. If I have a job (or enough money,) that stress goes away.
reminds me of when McDonnalds sent a newsletter to all their minimum wage employees on the best gifts to get their au pairs, and pool cleaners, and personal chefs.
I would love to read that. Would you have a reference? (I failed to find one.)
I can’t find the original article, but a lot of places reported on it in 2013
TIL something horrible.
We paid for a maid service once a month, it’s honestly amazing. And not too expensive ($50/hour). Worth it.
“Not too expensive”
“$50 an hour”
For a lot of people, thats too expensive.
Right?? I don’t even break 300 weekly. ):
EDIT: Sorry, Errer! I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad. It it definitely a good deal, tbf! For those who can afford it.
In France it is tax deductible and one or two hours a month can be live saver for people with disabilities.
In Malaysia it’s about $300/month for a live in maid (plus food).