The words AI Ad tech is enough to know these people are crooks lol
Whenever I see CEO in a headline my heart lifts a little but it’s never what I hope it is
20 years, would have been better if they’d stuck with that instead of cutting it to a one year and a day, with non-custodial supervision for another year…
Usually when the USPS cops get involved The. Hammer. Fuckin. Drops.
Shame to see the sentence reduced…I feel line it’ll be long time before I’m as happy as I was reading about the united Healthcare situation unfolding
Put up all the top corporations on a dart board and throw a dart. Hit fraud everytime
Like an overplentiful ocean, just scoop the fish up
What is that even supposed to mean? I go to Target, buy some soap, and go home. Somehow that’s fraud?
I’m not saying Target or any other corporation is free from their issues… But fraud isn’t necessarily one of them.
I think you lack reading comprehension, go read about the history of Target, just cause you think they aren’t fucking you the customer over directly doesn’t mean they aren’t doing shady things
All fraud are shady things, but not all shady things are fraud. The prior commenter implied that all top corporations commit fraud (at least, that’s how I took it. It was worded a bit abstractly).
So, what fraud (not shady thing, not something you disagree with, but actual fraud) is Target committing? Or are we just trying to be edgy?
Thank you captain padentic, where would multi million dollar corporations be without you defending them. Anyways here’s a list of lawsuits on Target, for everything from price gouging customers with item prices, to discrimination based on race and disability, but I’m sure it’s A okay in your book
Why is everything single one of these people a raging hypocrite?
Whew, that’s gonna open up a lot or capital so these companies can finally pay other employees fair wages. Right?.. Right?!
[Movie Narrator] His plan was to take them down, one by one. His first challenge? Himself. [Loud Actiony Music]
How is that not the onion?
It’s always projection with these assholes
Well he certainly got at least one of those fraudsters!