• KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    3 months ago

    You keep arguing in bad faith, as everyone knows that if you actually wanted to know what “birthright” meant, as if you didn’t already, it’d take you 10 seconds to check it on Google. So asking that is you asking in bad faith. I’m explaining this because I genuinely think you don’t understand it, the proudly ignorant American that you are.

    Yeah, i googled it. I still don’t understand what the fuck you meant by the implication of using it though. Which is why i think it’s related to israel or judaism. But i don’t know anything about those two things, so i’m not sure i would be able to recognize what you meant by it, unless you meant my birthright to post shitpost comments on the internet or something? I fail to see how this is relevant though. So i’m assuming it’s some sort of dig at religion that is failing incredibly hard here because i legitimately have no idea what you mean. And you are gaslighting yourself into believing otherwise.

    Once again, equivocation on the level that I mostly remember encountering on recess 20 years ago. You said “it says starvation, not genocide”. That’s you pretending that once can’t commit by, among other methods, intentional starvation.

    i already covered this, go read what i actually said. This simply isn’t congruent with history, nor does it make any sense in the context providing, because genocide is almost always an explicit violence act against another group of people for no reason other than their ethnicity. Defining it as anything else would include Mao’s famines, and north koreas famines. But weirdly, you don’t seem to be continually puking yourself over the thought of hundreds of thousands of north korean farmers who are currently starving. It’s almost as if you either, only care about the Palestinians, or simply do not actually believe what you are saying, and are simply doing some classic, political posturing here.

    Again, because you seem to be incapable of reading, russia is LITERALLY doing the same thing to ukraine. But again, doesn’t seem to matter to you, because apparently ukrainians are less worthy to life than Palestinians according to your complete lack of care about them starving.

    You can’t admit to a single piece of evidence of the MOUNTAIN of evidence of war crimes there is against Israel

    war crimes against israel? October 7th was considered to be one, but obviously, you misspoke here. And you meant the war crimes that israel is committing, that are being levied against israel. To which, i have agreed too. And you have subsequently, ignored, either because you aren’t reading what i’m posting, even though i’m clearly reading what you post. Or because it simply disentangles your entire narrative here of you being “correct” and it makes you look bad, so in turn you have to save face by pretending they don’t exist.

    Or are you just going to pull the “i couldn’t remember” card? Even though it was literally 30 minutes to an hour ago that i said this, and that you read it, in fact, why don’t i go pull it up? “Oh look, another question you haven’t asked yet which btw, yes israel is comitting war crimes, and so has hamas. It’s almost like answering actual questions is, rather easy.”

    oh wow, look at that, you literally lied.

    You’re scared, willfully ignorant and on the wrong side of history.

    i’m on the wrong side of history? Homie, there is no wrong side of history, merely the side that gets written down and archived at some point. Whether this comes to bite in the back later is a different story. The chances of that happening are incredibly small though.

    Also i find it rather cute that you keep calling me willfully ignorant, even though i keep explaining to you, that i am quite literally basically ignorant on the topic, because well. I don’t have the fucking time.

    pitiful whinging about “both sides”.

    oh, you’re the “both sides” type of person, nobody is worse than these type of people. Because they sit in a superiority complex of their own, completely abusing a rather useful concept.

    Since you don’t seem to understand how it works, i’ll explain it to you (properly( bothsidesing is a technique commonly used to compare to different groups, in this case opposing parties. Via isolating one side, documenting it’s behaviorisms, and rhetoric. And the repeating the same for the other side, in a similarly isolated manner. And finally, once complete, you can compare them between the two, and what would be expected (in this situation) is a significant overlap in a lot of rhetoric, and a handful of valid underlying causes to the problem. The rhetoric is obviously going to be self determinant. It should be very clear where it is. The underlying structures are going to be hidden within rhetoric most of the time, though apparent.

    The problem with most “both sides” ““both sides”” type of people is that they complete forego the entire process of this, and instead do surface level equivocations of two often entirely irrelevant scenarios. Even though this is literally a fundamental fallacy of conceptualization. It’d be like if i said that global warming doesn’t exist because seasons still happen. But of course, you’ve never done this right?


    oh, oh no… What a terrible discovery.

    That’s why I keep linking things like these

    i would also like to point out, that you’re expecting to link the same resources over and over again, while expecting me to do something about it instead. Debate is a two way street my friend, you have done nothing but fence sitting here.

    oh and by the way, i find it curious that you accuse me of sealioning, even though you’re literally the one DEMANDING an answer from me, lmao. Go read your definitions better so you can use fallacies properly.

    People like you disgust me, but as I don’t want to be as shit of a person as you, I actually reply in good faith. People like you just tie yourself in knots.

    my guy, you have done nothing but reiterate the same exact statement you made originally. If anybody here is in bad faith, it’s you because you refuse to interact with any of the premises i propose.

    Interesting that you seem to use the “people like you” phrasing. Surely that could never imply anything bad. Surely you don’t have a trained predispoition against people who disagree with you. Do you?

    But, since you seem to like fallacy so much, i will indulge you. Notably, you keep using an “appeal to the stone” fallacy. Or more clinically referred to as “proof by assertion” You’re also entertaining an “invincible ignorance fallacy” You will probably engage in “argument of repetition” later on, when in the shower, yelling at me. Also an “argument from silence” fallacy in there. And since you seem to like language so much 'ignoratio elenchi" fallacy as well.

    Curious how all of these are “relevance fallacies” isn’t it. Fun fact, a common trap with fallacy is just misapplying them wherever you see fit. Whether that is the case here, or whether your line of behaviorisms uniquely lines you up for this specific type of fallacy, is not up to me, as i don’t like to meander into these kinds of things. It’s rather boring and difficult. It’s more interesting running into the underlying concepts.

    • Dasus@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Yeah, i googled it.

      You’re such a bad liar, and it taking several comments for you to even understand what “in bad faith” meant and then pretend like you suddenly do know how to ask it the simple questions you pretended not to understand in the previous comment is… just chefskiss.

      because genocide is almost always

      Ah, so we’re using your definition, but the definition of the UN and the actions of Israel actually fulfilling reasonable grounds for it doesn’t matter, the experts on international law don’t matter, but things you pull out of your arse do? :D


      Here you go, miss.

      war crimes against israel?

      If you weren’t American, I’d have to assume you’re asking this in bad faith, once again. But since I know your guys’ literacy rates are on the level of the third world, I think you might have actually read it like that. No worries, I’ll help you understand your native language better. I said “You can’t admit to a single piece of evidence of the MOUNTAIN of evidence of war crimes there is against Israel”

      The war crimes weren’t committed against Israel. The evidence is against Isreal. The evidence that proves they’ev committed war crimes. On Palestine.

      Like these:

      https://www.icc-cpi.int/sites/default/files/2024-05/240520-panel-report-eng.pdf https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/06/04/israel-50-years-occupation-abuses

      Oh, right, sorry, I just remembered you’re proudly ignorant and probably your literacy matches that attitude, so something… more to your level:






      You’re literally ignoring the fact that the world is against Israel’s slaughter of women and children, so you get to this tantrum and start kicking your foot and going “waaah, waah, no no no, Israel no bad, only hamas bad!”

      Then you go on a tiresome tirade about how you see “fallacies”. It’s rather entertaining, really, watching a kid like you larp understanding debating. That’s why I’m still in this thread. People like you disgust me, but it’s that sort of morbid type of disgust in which I’m sort of intrigued by it. Your willfull ignorance is psychologically interesting.

      to use the “people like you” phrasing.

      Yeah, people like you. People who act in this way, denying reality, denying genocide. Which is what you’re doing, and which is what I talked about through-out this thread, you being the case in point, really. I’m not talking about some random of group of people. It’s not some ethnic trait I’ve chosen to hate. I hate genocide deniers, like I hate rapist pieces of shit and child murderers. It doesn’t matter where they’re from or what they look like; if they slaughter children and rape people and then deny all that having happened; they’re a shit person, innit? (Oh and just as a personal tip, if you like larping philosopher with “fallacies”, maybe Google “fallacy fallacy”, unless you’re still pretending not to know how to Google. :DD)

      Israel is a war criminal and it’s committing genocide, and you are defending it.

      • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        3 months ago

        You’re such a bad liar

        please explain to me what you think i’m lying about, i’m very curious.

        Ah, so we’re using your definition, but the definition of the UN and the actions of Israel actually fulfilling reasonable grounds for it doesn’t matter, the experts on international law don’t matter, but things you pull out of your arse do? :D

        ah yes, just the colloquially accepted definition of genocide by most jewish people, and also the general public at large, as a result of the actions of nazi fucking germany. Also i find it cute how you have silently retconned from saying “confirmed genocide” to “reasonable grounds for genocide”

        And again, i don’t disagree with the experts, you just completely mischaracterize what they say and then shit yourself over it repeatedly until someone quits yelling at you for being wrong.

        You’re literally ignoring the fact that the world is against Israel’s slaughter of women and children, so you get to this tantrum and start kicking your foot and going “waaah, waah, no no no, Israel no bad, only hamas bad!”

        “fun fact, most people don’t agree that killing people is morally good” wow aren’t you just a stand up citizen, stating the laws of nearly every fucking country in the world. And the culturally accepted moral status of murder globally across the world, wow look at how far you’ve come.

        Again, i am also against this, i have literally said as much. You’re just fucking stupid and refusing to acknowledge it.

        The following are quotes of things that i have said, in this conversation:

        did i mention the israeli settlements in westbank/gaza (however that works) because if not, why the fuck are they there? Yet another anti-israeli point for you to wrap your head around.

        Oh look, another question you haven’t asked yet which btw, yes israel is comitting war crimes, and so has hamas. It’s almost like answering actual questions is, rather easy.

        And this is just the first page of comments on my profile. You can almost certainly find more if you actually look through my history. But you won’t.

        Then you go on a tiresome tirade about how you see “fallacies”. It’s rather entertaining, really, watching a kid like you larp understanding debating. That’s why I’m still in this thread. People like you disgust me, but it’s that sort of morbid type of disgust in which I’m sort of intrigued by it. Your willfull ignorance is psychologically interesting.

        my brother not in christ, you have sealioned me this entire debate, and then without a hint of irony, you accused me of sealioning, even though clearly, you’re significantly more aggressive on me answering your questions, than i am on your answering my questions. WHICH MIGHT I ADD, IS BECAUSE YOU FUCKING IGNORE THEM.

        following pulled from an actual philosopher. Something you would be deeply unfamiliar with.

        American academic philosopher Walter Sinnott-Armstrong discussed the term in his book Think Again: How to Reason and Argue, saying:

        Internet trolls sometimes engage in what is called ‘sealioning’. They demand that you keep arguing with them for as long they want you to, even long after you realize that further discussion is pointless. If you announce that you want to stop, they accuse you of being closed-minded or opposed to reason. The practice is obnoxious. Reason should not be silenced, but it needs to take a vacation sometimes.

        Your willfull ignorance is psychologically interesting

        bro if you think willful* ignorance psychologically is “interesting” I regret to inform you that i don’t even yell at you to gather interesting information about you, because literally everything you’re doing right now is an already documented existing form of fallacy, or trolling. There is nothing else here.

        And besides, willful ignorance is a well studied concept since at least the beginning of science. Probably well before it. Stoicism in some capacity is primarily based on willful ignorance. There are entire fucking religions based on the ignorance of modern society, and it’s methods of operation. In fact, there is an entire disorder on the schizophrenia spectrum that is primarily related to willful ignorance of most things not immediately relevant to an individual.

        Yeah, people like you. People who act in this way,

        as defined by what strict standards? Because you cannot be the one to define them. As that would be a conflict of involvement. For one thing, that’s dehumanization. A tale as old as racism. Secondly the entire purposes for the definition of my “actions” is to argumentatively enclose me into your small framework of the world. Because you don’t have the mental capacity to conceptualize anybody thinking outside of three cubic meters of physical space. And unfortunately for you, i am unbound by physical space. I could literally just start saying “israel is committing genocide against palestine” “death be to israel” tomorrow if i so pleased, and you could do nothing about it.

        Which is what you’re doing, and which is what I talked about through-out this thread

        it’s throughout, though i suppose that could be a regional difference huh?

        you being the case in point

        you ever stop to think about the everlasting effects of the dunning kruger effect? Yeah me neither. Good thing i’m not making any assertions on anything.

        I hate genocide deniers

        yet curiously, you defined it earlier as “grounds for genocide happening” weird how you slip in and out of frameworks isn’t it? Almost as if my technical accuracy has tainted your restricted framework so much that you’re working between two different frameworks entirely.

        maybe Google “fallacy fallacy”, unless you’re still pretending not to know how to Google. :DD)

        the fallacious fallacy is a good one. Curiously, i never stated that your argument was wrong due to use of fallacies, i just pointed out that you used fallacy commonly. Because fallacy is a rather weak rhetorical device that can almost always be applied retroactively due to the sheer amount of them out there. Your argument is wrong because it’s fucking bad. Your entire argument rests on the basis of one statement being worded in a specific way, meaning something that it does not. The ONE argument that you have is that “according to the ICJ and UN courts, Israel has “committed genocide”” even though the rulings you cite do not fucking say that.

        Israel is a war criminal

        wow look, something i’ve agreed up three fucking times, from the first time you mentioned it.

        and you are defending it.

        please, demonstrate it. This would be libel if it weren’t for the fact that you were demonstrably wrong.

        And yet, curiously i’ve not once heard you mention anything else i’ve mentioned that would also count as genocide under your own definition of genocide.

        • Dasus@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          the fallacious fallacy is a good one.


          No. Not a fallacious fallacy. The fallacy from fallacy.

          It’s really hard to know whether you’re actually so stupid you can’t help but ignore things, or if it’s something you do willfully. A mystery, truly.

          bro if you think willful* ignorance psychologically is “interesting” I regret to inform you that i don’t even yell at you to gather interesting information about you, because literally everything you’re doing right now is an already documented existing form of fallacy, or trolling. There is nothing else here.

          Your English is fucking horrible man. How does it feel that I know your native language better than you do?

          Oh, so, all these recorded crimes against humanity (aka ‘war crimes’, no need for a war for someone to do war crimes, silly), UN, OCHR and HRW reports, they’re all “fallacy and trolling”?









          UN Commission Finds Israel Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity


          #Israel is sanctioned for committing “crimes against humanity of extermination, gender persecution targeting Palestinian men and boys, murder, forcible transfer, and torture and inhuman and cruel treatment.”

          Tell me more about how you’re supposedly not a pathetic genocide denier? Defending child slaughterers and rapists. You got so mad when confronted with what you’re doing that you started stalking me and writing several page comments, while being completely unable to even address any of the material I’m linking from credible sources, only managing to monger “it’s all trolling, it’s all fallacy!”

          That’s a link to specifically the war crimes in this most recent conflict.

          • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            3 months ago


            No. Not a fallacious fallacy. The fallacy from fallacy.

            It’s really hard to know whether you’re actually so stupid you can’t help but ignore things, or if it’s something you do willfully. A mystery, truly.

            i’m trolling you, you’re just stupid lmao. And no, it does work. It’s just a different fallacy. It would be using a fallacy that is in it of itself, a fallacy, i.e. fallacious. The english language is stupid, so you could even argue that it’s equivalent to “fallacy fallacy” because fallacious is just an extension of fallacy itself.

            Your English is fucking horrible man. How does it feel that I know your native language better than you do?

            honestly i feel pretty good considering you still keep pulling shit out of your ass and doubling back on things you’ve already said trying to make a point that doesn’t exist. It’s funny how a dumbass on the internet that doesn’t understand the english language can do a better job constructing your argument than someone who knows english can themselves. Also you don’t even know if this my native language.

            Oh, so, all these recorded crimes against humanity

            no, i agree that there are war crimes, the fallacy comes from the words that you type, not the words that other people wrote that you linked to, fascinatingly enough. You’re the one fucking up their entire argument by completely mischaracterizing it. You have said so little things of value that you don’t even have any examples of something you’ve said that’s fallacious to use as an example.

            while being completely unable to even address any of the material I’m linking from credible sources, only managing to monger “it’s all trolling, it’s all fallacy!”

            you still refuse to address most of my statements of value, phishing for the easiest ones for you to target, while ignoring literally everything else i say.

            You literally have no free will and your entire life is driven by some third party entity, which ironically, is not the papers you source to, because you don’t even fucking cite them correctly.