Why the fuck would you need to track pregnant people? Only to find and punish them when they go through an abortion huh?
now now, let’s be fair
it’s also so that evangelicals can ban recreational sex
…While masturbating furiously to incest porn on the internet.
Dont forget transfem porn.
just wait until they find transmasc porn
they don’t know that trans men exist
I’m sure they do, in an academic sense.
But it doesn’t fit the mental structure they’ve built to justify anti-trans bigotry, which is assembled on an scaffold of nominally trying to protect women from perverts.
Current right wing anti-trans sentiment is built on much of the same underlying ideas as the anti-trans part of 2nd wave trans-exclusive radical feminism:
- All men are dangerous, likely sexual predators.
- Sexual predators will do whatever they have to to pursue their prey.
- You cannot change your sex, and wanting to is either mental illness or a ploy.
- Women have a right to spaces that exclude men.
- Women in such spaces are likely to be in a more vulnerable position than elsewhere.
Therefore, sexually predatory men will play dress up and pretend to be women to get access to women’s spaces as a means to pursue prey.
If you accept all five of those points, then their view makes total sense (but at least half of those points are wrong, which is why it doesn’t make sense in reality).
It’s okay as long as their son is their masturbation buddy, like Mike Johnson’s son.
They’re just trying super hard to make America a worse place to live for some reason.
Worst speedrun ever
They worship money so they think life should be terrible for everyone (even themselves) except the owner class. Its the same reason Christians, family values types, and fiscal types still support people like Trump and other kid diddlin’ Republicans - You’re inherently “good” if you have the money to get out of it, so clearly it can’t be a sin.
Precisely. They aren’t even trying to hide it. The writing is on the tin.
And considering abortion isn’t illegal in every state, this is even more of an overreach than if it were.
Or a misscarriage.
Same deal with gun owning political opposition really. I’m against any tools the rich can use to target and disenfranchise their political opponents with.
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The fuck? How do you form such “opinion”?
I’m assuming this is internalized thought process of a racist and forgot the /s.
Seen this pattern before when arguing with racists before that it will increase pop of poor demographic and "guess who’s poor ahole! " Then you get this mental gymnastics response. Which heavily concerning on sooo many levels.
tell me you’re a racist without telling me you’re a racist
I thought voting Dem in state/federal and voting with the heart for local was supposed to fix everything though.
Can someone who is good with politics explain to me why Dems are not fighting back against the slide into fascism?
Why are these states still receiving federal funding and welfare subsidies?
Why is the compromised and illegitimate Supreme Court still in power?
Why are blue states not sanctioning fascist states? (Yes I know feds prohibit commerce tariffs. Why are blue states just giving up instead of getting creative? Isn’t legislation their job?)
Can someone who is good with politics explain to me why Dems are not fighting back against the slide into fascism?
They are.
Why are these states still receiving federal funding and welfare subsidies?
Because they’ve complied with the legal requirements to receive that funding, and so it would be illegal for them to be denied that funding due to an unrelated matter.
Why is the compromised and illegitimate Supreme Court still in power?
Because impeaching a member of the Supreme Court requires a charge be brought by the US House of Representatives, and the Senate needs to vote to convict (2/3 majority, I believe). Y’know, because of the US constitution.
Why are blue states not sanctioning fascist states?
Because they don’t have the legal authority to do so.
they could and should pack the court but I suspect until there is a firmer majority in the senate there will be a couple democrats that will happily accept republican donor money to stop it.
They should not, because when Republicans win in the future–and they will–Republicans will do the same thing.
OTOH, if they take the house and retain the senate, I think that impeaching Thomas is perfectly reasonable, and you could make a pretty solid claim for impeaching Kavanaugh for lying as well.
Impeaching thomas takes a far larger majority and, guess what republicans already run the supreme court so if they pack it later we just end up back in the current situation. It only requires a simple majority in the senate to pack the court.
They might fight harder if excuse spamming leftwashed centrists like you didn’t practice the “vote once ever then hibernate as if everything should be fixed” activism you accuse liberals of doing
Can someone who is good with politics explain to me why Dems are not fighting back against the slide into fascism?
Because the neoliberals in charge of the party don’t really mind fascism as long as they can make deals with the fascists to preserve their own power.
Just like the Italian liberals sat out the battle between the original fascists, the also quite far right monarchists and the anarchists, socialists and other ridiculously outnumbered and outgunned left wing groups.
Until it became clear who was going to win. Then they allied with the fascists.
Today’s neoliberals talk a big game about a women’s right to bodily autonomy when there’s donations and votes in it, but the ones in charge don’t ACTUALLY care. At least not enough to actually DO something to codify Roe v Wade into law during the almost 30 years that it was being threatened.
They DEFINITELY care a LOT more about “bipartisanship”, which is de facto negotiating with fascists so that their owner donors won’t be inconvenienced by what they pretend to be trying to do.
I’d say it’s all bread and circuses, but there’s not even much bread left for regular people to survive on.
This is the cognitive dissonance politicians need to have in order to be a good tool as a techno fascist for the exploitation-class.
Cognitive dissonance
My dude got that cognitive distance
Keep it at least 6 feet (2 meters for non-freedom folk) at least, fam
English is my second language, used spell check, without thinking too much about it! Sorry 😁
What is a techno-fascist? What did I mis?
Fascists that enjoy techno music of course!
If the
robotsRepublicans win, we’ll have to listen to techno.That does it! I was beginning to get a bit tired of all the murder, oppression, fraud and general fascism but I draw the line at bad music!
The specific kind of American Libertarian pseudo-fascists who look to technology to save us from everything.
Basically, the Managed Democracy of Super Earth from Helldivers. That sums it up pretty well. Fascism in its corporate-friendly, AI-run form where CEOs of tech-related companies have most of the real power outside the State.
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I think this is the same article I saw on Lemmy a few weeks ago, it very thoroughly explains the topic. In very simple words though, I have bad news about what all those tech billionaires in Silicon Valley are planning to do with their money.
It’s the collaboration of the state and private contractors in documenting everything to computers. The process started around the 1970s - mostly with police departments using crimes of the past to, er, “predict” where future crimes will happen (ie, they put the number of incidents in a calculator and did an extrapolation).
Half a century latter, there’s a lot of documentation. So much. In private databases, federal databases – plus everything that’s accessible online. It’s impossible for a person to actually sort through, so we automate the sorting. It’s like extrapolating from incidents, but also adding in keyword sorting and evolutionary trial-&-error algorithms.
While I am strongly against a database of pregnant women, especially in regards of the obvious purpose of it.
I am not sure if I would call it cognitive dissonance… Fascistic? Sure.
The idea behind the tracking of pregnancy is the protection of the individual “Child” and “future member of the society” against “overreaching authoritarian forces” which could lead to the death of said “member”. And the threat to the “child” is not the government but rather the mother and the supporting force would be the government. So placing the information to control into the hands of the government is an obvious choice.
In the case of gun ownership, the government is the threat for which the guns exist. The government is the “overreaching authoritarian force” and the gun owner is the “member”. The government isn’t the ally and therefore can’t be trusted with such a list.
Again I am not agreeing them these people. I just don’t think that is cognitive dissonance. I think a better example would the desire for a small government and a database of pregnant women to spy on.
Again imo idiots but not hypocrites for that (specifically… Because they are, just not for that)
The idea behind the tracking of pregnancy is the protection of the individual “Child” and “future member of the society” against “overreaching authoritarian forces” which could lead to the death of said “member”. And the threat to the “child” is not the government but rather the mother and the supporting force would be the government. So placing the information to control into the hands of the government is an obvious choice.
I,m not sure I follow here, but I don’t think the government is trustworthy with holding this information, wether it was given by the mother “freely” or not. The government has proven over and over it is not to be trusted with such personal data. If a complication or a situation change arises and the mother has to end her pregnancy. It will be used for punishment.
Oh I agree but I am strictly talking from the perspective of the idiots who would want such a list.
They want the government to police those poor women in order to “protect” the “child”, so the government can be “trusted” from their pov. And they want the government to police the women because from their pov, the mother is a danger to the “child”.
In the case of the guns, their opinion is that the guns will protect them against the government and so you don’t want them to have that list.
Well, you see, the logic here is simple; gun ownership is a constitutionally protected right, and women don’t have rights.
I hate that you are right. I wish that we could say that the existence of the 9th counts just as much for the right to bodily autonomy but that’s not what these shit heads will agree to.
And the irony is that this is coming from a woman
She their useful idiot. Find someone willing to sell out their entire group for clout. She is young enough that if republicans gain full power she will still be around when they start to talk about how women shouldn’t hold office.
That’s what you get when a bunch of white slave-owning men write the constitution
Let’s definitely not have either of those things.
What if we just had universal health care, rather than a massive suveillancr state
Nah. I’m ok with the gun database. We have one for cars. Firearms should be there too.
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CA has one. And they’ve already leaked the data to hackers, I think twice now. So if some tech savvy thieves wanted to target specific houses, now they have a list.
They didn’t leak it to hackers, they straight up published it on their website.
Address, dl number, phone number, etc.
Plenty of victims of sexual assault, domestic abuse, etc. legally acting to protect themselves were doxxed, not only to their abuser but anyone visiting the CA DOJ website.
Why would you target houses where there is a chance that the people living there may kill you?
Most burglaries are going to happen when the occupants aren’t home. You won’t see any gun stickers or 2nd amendment stickers on any of my vehicles or windows, no need to let anyone know what I own. Not that it matters, because the CA DoJ has a list with my name, address and all my registered firearms on it that they just put out into the world.
No thanks. My state already has a list and I’m pretty sure the feds do too, but let’s not make it any easier on them in the event that we find ourselves in the “armed resistance” phase of fascism.
Just once Id like to meet a gun advocate that didn’t day dream about hypothetical scenarios where they get to use them.
It’s not just “the state” writ large that concerns me. If you’ve been paying any attention the last few years, you may have noticed a rising trend in right wing violence. Fascist paramilitary groups have become increasingly emboldened and are rarely held to any account by the state. Left wing paramilitary groups have historically had a different experience altogether. Are you one of those people who are genuinely concerned that this might be “the last election”? If so, why would you want to risk giving this kind of data to a Trump administration?
Howdy! I only daydream of scenarios where I no longer need to own them to feel safe from the rising fascism.
We use them all the time to hunt for food. However, the weirdos that think they can rise up against the state are something else.
What if it isn’t the state so much as fascist militias that worry me the most? Is it ok to want weapons to defend myself and my friends from them?
Sure. Just make sure it’s as tightly regulated as say, cars.
Imagine a future, maybe January of 2025 and we start seeing laws classifying trans (or gay) people as mentally ill. Gun confiscations affecting only “undesirables”. People that actually really need those weapons for self defense. People that are harassed by ever emboldened fascist gangs. People the police treat dismissively at best.
I don’t love guns, or even have them for their own sake, or because of some dusty parchment written by hypocrites. I would love to live in a world where nobody has guns, but holy shit do we not live in such a world right now. I would urge you to reconsider your political priorities before you go harming (only) the people you probably want to help.
why do people still think they’re going to do a goddamn thing against the us military with their tacticool ar15?
What did the French think they were going to do against the German military? Frankly I’d rather die in “The Resistance” than just be like “ok yeah cool, fascism!”
So why didn’t you die in the resistance between 2016 and 2020?
Did we have a different 2016-2020? Where were the camps, tanks, and aforementioned resistance fighters? OH Myanmar? I don’t live there.
I see, you’re only joining in the resistance after the genocide begins.
I got news for you. The fascists already have the guns, and the 2nd amendment is just making it worse.
I worked for a gyne who did abortions and got the pathology reports. Every one said the same thing “the specimen contained spongy pieces of hemorrhagic tissue”. It’s so microscopic and it’s absolutely not like what anti choice assholes claim it is. It is so insignificant.
Have the abortion. Don’t hesitate. Get on with your life. It’s what matters, not a piece of tissue. It’s your choice and nobody else’s. You deserve to be happy and safe and not forced to go through hell.
FWIW I’m Christian and still incredibly pro choice. Don’t believe any of their propaganda. They lie.
My sister in law is an obgyn in Tennessee. She often remarks the socio-econokic conditions of her patients as the worst she has ever seen, and she spent years as an aid worker in Kabul.
I’ve driven through Tennessee and seen billboards from CPS that say “Don’t cook, you’ll lose your kids” (by cook they mean meth). Like they have to come out and say it that plainly, it’s such a problem.
An other Christian pro-choice here. God wants us free, Jesus came to stop people who used God’s name to control peoples’ lives.
Yeet it and delete it
Give the fetuses guns? With that work?
If it was possible Texas would have made it mandatory by now
BigPharma should get in on this. Every American made fetus gets a free Armalite rifle seed that grows with the fetus. Name it too! /s
The NSA already has the database and is tracking both of those anyway under secret FISA warrants.
The fact that you think they get warrants to collect data into that database is cute.
They probably have like one warrant that’s basically just a blank check to spy on anyone.
Which continue to expand, and just expanded even more this last time under Biden unfortunately.
They don’t need one because of third party doctrine. They can just ask your phone carrier for your location and useage data and Google for your browser history. Those companies are free to sell that information to the government, which they do.
But they have to publicly disclose that information if they sell it, under a FISA warrant there’s already a gag order on it.
The public disclosure is in the EULA, which nobody reads.
Better watch out for the IRS, SSA and not to mention all those state DMVs. They know what you make and what car you drive!!!111oneone
I don’t recall the “NSA plan to track women’s periods” in the Snowden dump. And so many gun sales are cash-and-carry that it’s not something they can manage easily.
For any given person, I’m sure the FBI could figure it out with time and effort. But there’s no national tracking database for all guns and pregnancies
It may be new. Snowden dump was what? More than 10 years ago?
Secret court. I case you thought we had a transparent justice system.
Well, it’s not so secret now is it?!
Gal-durn blabbermouths.
Why do they even need a database of pregnant women? I get that GOP is trying to take away a woman’s autonomy and all that, but what’s the official public reason they’re giving?
Prego but no live baby ? Jail!
Still birth? Jail!
Miscarriage? Jail!
Crossing state lines while prego? Jail! (You might be trying to get an abortion)
I also want to know their reasoning too, but what I REALLY want to know is if they are aware that pregnancy isn’t permanent? The more I think about this the more questions I have.
Who is gonna update that database? How many tax dollars are they willing to spend paying people to deal with implementing this? I know the purpose is to convict women for abortions and miscarriages, which is fucking horrific…but then I think about how people keep cars for far longer than a person is pregnant and how the DMV is not the model for efficiency.
Holy shit this whole thing is equal parts horrifying and laughably stupid.
Sorry about my weird tangent… your question got my brain asking questions and I don’t think the actual answers will be much help.
“why has this woman been pregnant for 27 years? … HOW has this woman been pregnant for 27 years?!”
The problem is you thought about it. Republicans don’t generally go that far with an idea.
The dmv is pretty efficient, all things considered. 5 or 10 year tracking isn’t that hard. 0 months to 10 months is way more difficult.
Per this, she didn’t attempt to create a database and it’s a false statement going around.
Thank you. I should’ve known better and looked it up. I appreciate you posting this for me and others.
Click bait lemmy for sure
Thank you for posting this link. Good to know. The text includes this:
The bill prohibits information from organizations, including any affiliates, subsidiaries, successors and clinics, that “perform, induce, refer for, or counsel in favor of abortions, or provide financial support to any other organization that conducts such activities.”
Q: Does the bill also prohibit organizations that are against abortions?
The main point of the bill is to provide grants to organizations that provide resources for pregnant people. The bill specifically excludes organizations that offer abortion services from receiving those grants.
Well, every birth inevitably leads to a death, whilst guns might but they’re not guaranteed to.
So obviously, you need to keep track of the most deadly kind of people, pregnant women, more so than a not quite as deadly kind like gun owners.
True, the case can be made than a single gun can result in multiple deaths whilst a birth will only ever result in a single death, but none the less the statistics don’t lie and they show that a lot more deaths can be traced back to a birth than they can to gun ownership.
I once watched a woman walk into a supermarket just openly being pregnant. Fortunately she behaved, because some of the other folks were concealed pregnant.
A single birth can result in multiple deaths in the situation of murderer being born, so you might actually be right.
Hitler was born, if I remember correctly.
Someone birthed Putin
Yeah, but without all those other births those deaths would not have happenned, so ultimatelly it’s all the fault of pregnant women.
Being born is always a death sentence!!!
Many people who are born go on to have children of their own. So a single pregnancy can lead to generations and generations of deaths!
I read a study recently saying that 100% of murderers were born. So that’s another vector for births leading to multiple deaths.
You can’t expect decency from trash. Trash like this will always ignore how trashy they are. If there were a way to compel them to tell the truth I bet there isn’t a single real maga in the country who really believes in their god.
I’m not sure about that. In my experience, it’s how they justify everything. The ones I’ve known personally seem to genuinely believe their god wants them to inflict pain on others as part of some sort of divine warfare. They also tend to prefer the old testament, unsurprisingly
Now the question remains.
Would they be in favour or against using guns to perform an abortion?
The Governor of South Dakota has entered the chat
Late term puppy abortion with a gun
I think they’d want to arm the zygote
Wait yeah, if a doc is using guns to provide abortions do you take away his guns or let him keep giving abortions?
The abortions are in self defense of course.
By their logic, abortion is murder, any doctor who performs an abortion is ineligible to own guns because they would be a violent felon. I just dont understand why these people gotta be so brain dead
The gun shoots a intense spray of abortion medication.
A Database that stores a List of Armed and Dangerous Pregnant women. All Pregnant women are given high-power Full-Auto weapon-of-choice and a License to Stand-their-Ground. Also another Database of Not Pregnant persons and who are also Armed and Dangerous but they can go buy their own weapons.
That way it is fair and equal to everybody and no one has to feel left out :-D
I wonder what’s next, conceal carry permits for pregnant women to go out in public?
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Amazing how someone can utter a 100% fascist idea like this in public and not immediately get egged.
The only thing that can stop an abortion is an abortion with a gun