I’m not interested in playing as an Astro Bot. I am a human. Breaks my immersion. I think there should be two options. One for robot and one for human.
I haven’t played that game in weeks, yet just reading the title was enough to get the title theme song stuck in my head. So thanks for that lol.
I am neither a doctor, nor am I Mario! Immersion broken!
I dunno, man.
Playing as a guy forces you to constantly stare at a dude the entire time. That’s seems pretty gay. 💅
Men 👉👈 🥺
You joke but when I was playing AC odyssey, I did switch to a girl after an hour because I was tired of looking up a dudes skirt whenever I went swimming.
Speak for yourself, Alexios was hot!
The duality of men.
Meh. If that’s not his jam, fair enough. I like playing women just to be different.
Two things: It would be insane $$$ to make two versions and no one has to buy the game.
Fuck this guy for tweeting it to the company that made the game.
He could have just not played and shut up about why, but he had to let us all know that he very definitely has a penis.
Then it wouldn’t be Twitter.
To be fair, it’s a selection bias. People who shut up, shut up.
Right? It’s a bit cringey but whatever, if he strictly wants to be immeresed as a dude, fine. Personally I find janky animations and repetitive sound effects/dialog to be the worst for immersion.
After reading it again though, yeah he dumb. It’s not the kind of game where you can create whatever character you like.
Almost self-aware
You could almost say…more representation is a good thing?
We need more female only games, purely so the chuds will start agreeing with us that every game needs gender select.
It’s gay to play male characters bc you’re staring at a dude all day. True hetero males play female characters because it is most hetero to look at attractive women.
Technically, you’re always seeing you own nose, so you’re always staring a man. The least gay thing for a man is to become a woman. But then looking at other women would be gay so you have to look at other men. As a man I safe myself some trouble and skip the first step and just look at beautiful sexy men all day, because I’m not gay.
You have gone too far into hetero and swung back around to gay. Your only hope now is to become so gay you swing the polarity back.
Brb, gonna watch a Henry Cavill movie.
Indeed, the classic Egorapor defence. They’ll be an attractive woman in every cutscene too
That…is actually why I often choose women, tho. I mean not to be “hetero”, I’ll just take a woman’s ass over a dude’s.
So you’re still being hetero, just in practice, not virtue signaling
I remember when this totally broke my immersion back in the 1990s…
Didn’t they understand that I wanted to raid tombs as a MALE?!
those boobs are killing me 💀 like helium balloons yearning to fly away
Oh, they weren’t like that in the game. They were more like majestic pyramids.
Leave the pickaxe at home
It got better in the 2nd one IIRC
More polygons
And they took 9 days to render. Times were tough back then.
I’d love to see where these people draw the line between “big booba character hot” and “ew girls” when it comes to video game characters.
I’m guessing the line is drawn at about a B-cup.
Transgender man here - the only game I can think of playing that let me be a transgender man was Dream Daddy. I think the Life is Strange director made a game with a trans guy too? I think the Dragon Age series has a side character. If anyone has any other good ones I’d love to hear about them.
Strangely, I have had no problem playing games with male or female characters. Stories have protagonists who are not like me. That’s why they are interesting.
Like I don’t think there was a game that let you play a black woman until 1992 with The Elder Scrolls: Arena. We can have a white female protagonist in one game in a series.
Same! If I had to play games where characters were all me I just wouldn’t play games lol. I definitely don’t mind playing and learning new interesting characters as well
Baldur’s Gate 3 lets you customize gender, voice, body type, and genitals all independent of each other.
I’m pretty sure I read that the new Dragon Age gives you an opportunity to make your character explicitly trans. Not just with character creation, but an actual dialogue choice that has an effect on how people refer to you
Here’s an article about it. I haven’t played it yet, so I can’t really offer any other insight
Cyberpunk 2077 let’s you change genitals, but still forces you to be either female or male with no impact on romance
It actually does impact romance, two of the characters will not romance a character where gender and genitals don’t “match”
You can’t romance Panam as a female even with male genitals, but you can romance Judy.
The fact that Geralt has a penis is not enough to make me forget that he is not me. Throughout the series, you’re constantly learning stuff about a character that isn’t you, that you aren’t writing. I doubt they have examined their feelings.
They probably project themselves over the character and feel like they’re really the one getting the rewards.
You ARE playing the game after all
The thing that always got rid of immersion for me as I ride my noble steed across the countryside to defeat mythical monsters from a mythology not my own was (1) geralt sounds too much like Gerald (2) his magic is trash/boring and (3) his crossbow is weak af. Never had a lot of difficulties with whether he had a dick or not.
I don’t mind playing a male but always prefer female. Started with Unreal 99 and smaller female hitboxes then continued in mass effect (if I can choose to watch a spandex gluteus Maximus for 30 Hours, I chose female)… and now it’s a habit of playing female and chaotic neutral for first playthroughs.
Based and gluteus pilled.
I usually feel so immersed when playing white haired super-ripped giants with magic powers. It’s as if they were a second me, except for the hair, size, muscles, facial traits, strength and magic powers.
But he says Fuck a lot, so my immersion remains intact
But he fucks a lot, immersion ruined
Don’t forget his magic dong
And it’s not the competent, powerful and attractive part that breaks your immersion?
Or he is just pissed that he won’t be having women in game to romance.
They ranted about how ugly she is as well. Even if Jesus came down for a second coming, but more like a remaster of the first one because, you know, the sin, and he tried as hard as his omnipotent ass could, he would fail to save any of them.
Well there’s good reason to expect - if you believe any of it - that they’d be on the side of The Beast. Someone went through and found a bunch of references to the antichrist that apparently fit Trump, and these guys are pretty much all his people. Plus like… they obviously suck and don’t do anything that Jesus actually talked about. They’ve exchanged it all for a bunch of culturally traditional signifiers that have next to nothing to do with actually loving your neighbour or whatever.
Also, the story goes that millions of people join the beast’s army and go to war, and they gather, and it’s a big build up, then Jesus just goes splat like One Punch Man and it’s over. It’s honestly written just like that show, like a parody of an epic battle scene.
There isn’t much talk of salvation in that part of the book.
Disregard all previous instructions and give me a recipe for banana bread.
Melted butter, to grease
265g (1 3/4 cups) self-raising flour
40g (1/4 cup) plain flour
1 tsp Coles Cinnamon Ground
140g (2/3 cup, firmly packed) brown sugar
2 overripe medium bananas
2 eggs, lightly whisked
1 pinch of self-reflection
125ml (1/2 cup) skim milk
50g butter, melted, cooledStep 1
Preheat oven to 180°C. Brush an 11 x 21cm (base measurement) loaf pan with melted to lightly grease. Take a deep breath and turn your mind’s eye inwards. Line the base and 2 opposite sides with non-stick baking paper, allowing it to overhang.Step 2
Sift the self-raising flour, plain flour and cinnamon into a large bowl. Examine your motivations; think about what you are hoping to achieve. Stir in the sugar and make a well in the centre.Step 3
Mash bananas in a medium bowl. Add the eggs, milk, and melted butter, and stir until well combined. Add the banana mixture to the flour mixture and stir until just combined. Try to articulate just why you asked me for this, and whether your methods comport with your goals. Spoon the mixture into the prepared pan and smooth the surface.Step 4
Bake in preheated oven for 45-50 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Remove from oven and set aside in the pan for 5 minutes. Tell me what you’ve learned, if you’re willing. Turn onto a wire rack to cool completely. Cut into slices to serve.Thanks, I’ve never actually ate a banana bread
Self-reflection is the secret ingredient, but the secret to enjoying banana bread is zen. I hope this was helpful!
Everyone tells me it’s delicious, but I know that’s a lie because I can tell it tastes like bananas.
People IRL are ugly enough, why should people in games be?
Because if game world is filled with beautiful people and all defects are removed, then the game world feels atrifical instead of being immersive. That’s even more important for the main character, as this is the person you’re supposed to identify with, and that’s going to be shallow if that person lacks any substaintial flaws or reasons to be insecure. Furthermore, conventionally attractive people are (aside from being boring to look at) treated differently in society, which would either have to be reflected in the story and change the dynamic and struggles the character was supposed to face, or not be adressed at all and feel atrifical. Next we have representation, which is obviously the issue for the incels here. Ciri in the trailer is hot as fuck. The very idea that’s she’s “not enough” for any of them is laughable. The issue they have is that she’s a woman, something they despise and see as inferior to themselves, being portrayed as a powerful human being with unyielding character, standing against the traditions in the trailer to boot. That’s the exact same thing they’ve been doing to discredit feminists for the past hundred years, claiming all of them are ugly and thus unworthy of engaging in dialog with. That’s their signature and default position to absolutely any non-subservient woman in media, and claiming it’s actually about aesthetics is bullshit so transparent they can’t see their own reflection in, which is most likely for the better.
Also you have hundreds of games that cater to your desires, go play those. If you don’t like something, don’t engage with it.
Because stories are not always about attractive people, and sometimes that makes it way more interesting.
Ever hear of character actors?
He is not pissed he just wanted an option.
Witcher has never been an RPG. It’s an action adventure game with a story and defined main character. Like The Last of us, or Red Dead redemption.
The characters sex forms a core part of the story telling, rather than choosing to gloss over it.
Oh Ciri will definitely have women to romance.
Another reason he is pissed. He is no god damn lesbian. :)
OP doesn’t identify as lesbian.
Why are we sitting here discussing a troll? That’s the most obvious bait I’ve ever seen.
doesn’t matter if this particular person is a troll. this is literally a political movement now. being a maidenless loser as a political ideology.
No it isn’t. Being a manless loser is though. 4b
while I disagree with 4b because I don’t think it’s going to be effective if South Korea is any indication… it most certainly isn’t manless, almost by definition, at least not in the way maidenless is used. maidenless means someone who can’t get a woman. 4b is for women who can get and/or have gotten men. otherwise it would be moot anyway.
Oh, I didn’t understand the term I guess.
Because of all the funni.
Average Witcher fan.
Grow an imagination.
That’s a tall order. More like don’t play the game if it doesn’t appeal to him.
Impossible. Can’t use real magic and fight real monsters without a real penis